Saturday, April 10, 2010


Herbicide, you might ask, yes herbicide. But more importantly, 24d. For those of you who do not know, I have spent many years before this year trying to supplement my racing with working lots of odd ball jobs mainly doing yard work and one year of working for a landscape company. The product 24d is one of the most widely used herbicides in the world and one of its key uses is weed control. You might be asking yourself why am I telling you this, well guess what, I got to experience the lovely scent of it this week.

I had some fun hill intervals to do on Thursday and found a nice little hill and guess what, work was being done. Like I have said in earlier posts, France is quite keen on trying to make this area around Giverny quite pretty for the tourists and well guess what. Whatever the french municipality is that was doing the work was spraying both sides of the road to eliminate the weeds. On thursday, I had 6 total hill repeats and so that meant I got 6 times to engulf this wonderful scent. Now, mind you when I was working back home I never really noticed a scent yay or nay with it, but I can most certainly tell you that with one whiff of it I knew exactly what it was and brought me back home-something dearly appreciated.

I know many folks might be wondering why something like that might put a smile on my face, but being in a foreign land, not knowing too many folks and everything being new-well having something pop up that you know is really nice. And so there you go, another day of finding the little things that make everything else that tiny bit easier to deal with.


  1. Keep up the hard work, it's paying off. We're all pulling for you from here in Boise

  2. Chicken Dinner was Yesterday
    Might be some names you know:
