Saturday, May 15, 2010


Not sure where to start folks. Well, tomorrow morning got a fun race close to Paris. On last thursday, the normal chit chat at the start of the race was a bit different than normal. Normally, we are talking about random things on t.v. or the weather, but everyone had tomorrows race on their mind. Why, well it gets things started at the wonderful hour of 8 a.m. and everyone was trying to figure out who had the worst transit to get there. For me, it means an awesome 4:45 a.m wake up call and a departure of 6 a.m. Not bad, but I have a feeling my roommates aren't going to be liking that so much. However, there are quite a few folks leaving their homes at 4 a.m to be able to get to the race-thats a bummer. Hoping for something good to come out of it.

In other news, just found out this morning that I am off to Belgium on Monday morning for a few weeks to race for the USA cycling national team. That will sure put a skip in someones step. I have been working my butt off training hard and want to do my best to represent my country and pay back the opportunities that have been given to me. Will update with more information, but right now, off to the train station to go get myself a ticket. thanks for reading and the support.


1 comment:

  1. SWEEEEEEET. That is so exciting. Be sure to keep us all posted on your adventure. Anxious to hear more details. You do make us proud.
