Sunday, March 14, 2010

Old Men

had a great day today. Missed the move of the day of 6 riders with 15 km to finish of the race but, was still the first chase group on the road and finished around 20th out of 175 today. I am starting to get the hang of things. I don't want to do a play by play of racing on here, but spent lots of first half of day trying to get away in the circuit race. the race was a 3 hour race on a 6 km circuit with lots of hills and descents. Had lots of fun racing, but something more odd sticks out on the day. At the start and finish of race, there is lots of euro pop and techno music getting blared and I cannot help but laugh at old men tapping their toes to artist like Lady Gaga and others of this genre. There is something quite amusing at seeing old men that seem set in their ways having a genuine good time semi dancing in the cold to crazy American women artists. On that note, seeing as this is the music I now get to listen to this year, I believe I know the words to all of Lady Gaga's songs seeing as it is a nice English break when I hear it. I know that this is pretty scattered, but I think that this is a great indication of where my life is at-scattered and spending lots of my day confused and in a state of constant translation.


  1. Glad to hear you're getting the hang of things. Debrah

  2. Way to go. I'm so proud of you. Mom

  3. This is fun stuff to read Erik, always thought it would be a heck of an adventure to go and race in Europe when I was younger. Thanks for taking the time,I'll be checking in daily. Jason W

  4. Enjoy the blog Erik. You sound like you're getting in the groove. Keep it up. I look forward to more posts. Mark M.

  5. Hey Erik--
    How cool for you this little adventure! Je suis si heureaux pour vous. Appre`ciez!

  6. Erik,

    Have enjoyed reading about your adventures in France. From your blog you are a quick learner when it comes to French bike race riding.Some day this summer you might just see Pat and Jane among the "old men" dancing to the music at the end of the race.
