Boy was yesterday a wild ride. Somehow I ended up at a race that I wasn't even planning on being in. Let alone, 300 kilometers away. Lets set the scene, its a good one.
Erik is deep asleep thinking of dry weather (its been raining non stop for last week) and just generally out of it. 7 a.m. rolls around and Erik is awoken to the sound of the phone, who could be calling me at this god awful hour he thinks. Stumbling down the stairs he answers the phone and is surprised to hear the sound of his director. Basically conversation goes like this. Lionel-"Erik, the race that I told you that you were not going to do, now you are. There is a ride that will be picking you up in around an hour, try and get ready." Erik-"oh my god, um, thanks, gotta go." Well, crap, thank god, I did laundry the day before, but my bike is set up for training, not racing. First thing first, stuff some food and lots of coffee down and get bike ready. An hour of running around and I am sorta ready. Did I eat a ton-no, but I will get some bars down in the car.
8 a.m rolls around and alas, my ride shows up and it is a competitor that I know that was visiting some family in the area. I should have expected a unique day when I saw a laptop, numerous maps and general chaos in the car, but hey he is French right, he will know the way. Upon arriving, I am told that he has little idea of where we are going and I need to drive after the first hour so that he can navigate, since after the first hour it is all new territory for him.
What was supposed to be a 3-3:30 hour drive turned into a 4:30 hour drive with a few wrong turns along the way. It was certainly a trip, Alexis nose deep in maps, Erik driving blindly and having absolutely no idea of where he was. Thankfully we got to the race with about an hour to spare and all was well. When I went to get my numbers, I am told that I am not on the start list and that I needed to register earlier in the week. Not knowing that I was even racing that was not possible, but fortunately they ended up giving me numbers, they would not turn down Euros.
Remember how I said that it has been raining for the last week, well mix in heavy rain and these friendly guys and you have a pretty crazy day.

Honest to god, there was a cattle auction going on in town and so naturally the road was covered in cow dung and wet-nice and slick. I was feeling super motivated for the day though and even got myself a decent start position in the first 1/3 of the 160 man field-all was good. Not a minute into the race all that can be heard is the sound of carbon sliding across the road and the moment that sound is heard, the race just goes faster. And so goes the day, a crash happens and whoever is at the front hits it even harder. I was fortunate to make it over an hour before getting caught in a wreck. It was more a matter of luck on the day as many riders much better than I even got caught out. I was fine, but my bike needed some love and there was no love out there for me, there is not much I can do with a bent derailleur. Another DNF on the day and by the end there were only about 25 guys who got to finish the day. I was pretty bummed to have a mechanical happen from a wreck, but such is life. The guy who came to race with me only lasted about 20 minutes before being caught up in the mess.
I am now only a half of the way through the day, as we now need to get back to my hometown, good times. Well, once again, I was driver, he was navigator and he found a "short cut." Ha! Once again, we got ourselves lost and instead of going home the same way, we tacked on another hour onto the drive. We ended up driving by the same beach that I spent my vacation back in June though which was pretty neat. I got home last night around 11 o clock and well, a bit tired from the long day. But, there was one good thing about the drive home last night. I was starving, dinner was going to be a long way off and so I did what I had to do.

And yes, it was the first burger I have had since America. A big mac here though is like a quarter pounder back home-so disappointing. But it still goes down amazing and I am not one bit guilty about it at all.
And now today, well, I spent the morning getting the bike all squared away. Unfortunately, my local bike shop is on vacation for the next 10 days and totally closed. The whole vacation thing still baffles me here. But, hoping for some more luck to come my way in the next little bit. Sorry for the long post, just another day of living and racing in France. Its always an adventure.